Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a 10-digit alphanumeric code assigned to an income taxpayer in India. Non-Indian nationals can also apply for a PAN card if they are doing business in India. PAN is mandatory for financial transactions such as opening a bank account, cash deposit of Rs.50,000 and above, and more importantly, to file income tax returns.
As of July 1st, 2017, Aadhaar-PAN linking has become mandatory for e-filing your income tax returns. This step is taken to prevent individuals from using multiple PAN cards to evade tax. PAN card can also be used as a valid identity proof.
The front side of the PAN card consists of your Permanent Account Number (a unique 10-digit alphanumeric code), name, father's name, date of birth, signature, and a Quick Response (QR) code. On the back of the card, the contact details of the Protean eGov Technologies Limited is printed, so that lost and found PAN cards can be mailed to the Protean eGov Technologies Limited.
Updating PAN card information can be done online and in a few steps. On the Protean eGov Technologies Limited website or any other PAN card financial service website, customers can update their PAN card in a few simple steps. On the portal, customer can update their PAN card information, their personal information, their contact details, document proof, income source and current address information. Apart from updating their details, customers will have to upload a KYC document of their choice to validate the change in details of the PAN card.
For those wishing to make updates or changes, they can make alterations to the the below mentioned areas.
Finally, PAN card holders will have to make a declaration that the above mentioned details - identity proof, address proof, etc., are legitimate. Once this is done, they can submit the details and the updated information will be stored in the PAN card database.
Visit for online verification of your PAN card information. Individual and bulk PAN card information can be verified using this online PAN verification facility. To verify one PAN card at a time, go to 'Profile Settings' and click on 'My Profile' to view the details.
For bulk PAN verification, you have to first register as a 'Bulk PAN Verification Agency' at Go to 'Bulk PAN Query' and click on 'Upload Query'. Upload your query in the specified format and click on 'Submit', a token number will be generated. The status of the PAN uploaded through the query system will be displayed. Government and non-government agencies can perform online PAN verification on 'user pay' basis.
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